Monday, November 8, 2010

Ismael Ahmed and His Failure To Train Employes

It is a sad day when this CPS/DHS Ismael Ahmed failed to train his
employees properly. Kent County Michigan CPS Nyela Bolden committed
fraud, perjury, on the court under the color of law. On September 8,
2008 evidence transcript Bolden admitted her report was erred and
could not substantiate her original allegations. Bolden, Savada
Johnson and R. Farr's fraudulent December 5, 2007 report and abuse
allegations placed a 13 year old girl in the custody of the father who
Nyela Bolden admitted was substantiated of child abuse on 1/19/01 and
12/06, abandonment the children on 11/09/06. This Ismael Ahmed needs
to be removed from his position and charged with willfully training
his people to preform human trafficking for a secure paycheck.

Newest information Mr. Oliver at Lansing DHS doesn't know who the
supervisor is and doesn't know how to help. Another prime example of
our tax dollars wasted by Ismael Ahmed failure to train his employees.

Maybe they will be able to expunge names, return our children to the
non-abusive parents when we all join together file USC 42 1983, 1985
depervation of rights under the color of law. CPS violated 4th, 6th
and 14th Amendment rights, Civil rights and constitutional rights to
raise our children without governmental interference.

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